Ultimate cosiness
All pieces of linen are made to the size and shape of your mattress.

Headbord and bedbase
Headboards are now true decorative elements. Classical or modern, padded or not, they both bring an original decorative touch and protect the wall.
For perfect harmony we also design siding mattresses.
Our teams of upholsterers are trained to carry out the most intricate work with efficiency and care. Thanks to their years of experience, they have acquired the essential knowledge for handling, fitting and shaping fabrics, as well as assembling the most complicated accessories. They are also talented upholsterers, capable of fitting the most draperies systems. Each operation is carried out with infinite precision according to the rules of the trade

All shapes and colors and with all the fabrics available, our cushions are a true invitation to musing and comfort.
For your plaids, bedspreads and throws we offer a great variety of filling – padded or not – as well as numerous completions.